What to Do When An Employee Quits and You Weren’t Expecting It
Being faced with an unexpected resignation can be difficult for managers. There are immediate concerns about getting work covered. Including finding a new person to fill the position, and lost productivity in between. It is key to ensure the rest of your team is not overworked when a member of the staff leaves. So, what should you do when an employee quits and you weren’t expecting it?
Know the Protocol
First, be sure you are aware of the protocol you need to adhere to during this abrupt resignation. Understand your human resources policies when it comes to handling a situation like this. For instance, some organizations require management to destroy the employee’s ID card. They also have them escorted from the building. In other companies, a two-week notice is required.
Don’t Be Emotional
It is easier said than done. Especially if you felt a connection to that employee. But it is important to not allow your emotions to override your professionalism. On the same note. If the employee has been less-than-great you should still provide some positivity. Thank them for their contributions to the organization and move on to discuss other important details.
Inquire About Why They Are Leaving
Take the time during this discussion to ask exactly why they are leaving the company. Usually, there isn’t anything a manager or owner can do to dissuade someone from leaving if they’ve already made up their mind. However, it is a good idea to know why they are leaving. This way you can work on those issues in the future. It may also give you a chance to fix the problem and avoid them leaving altogether. For example, an employee may decide to resign because their spouse has to relocate for work. You may be able to offer them a remote position to keep them on.
Consider a Counter Offer
Another thing you may consider when discussing why they are leaving is providing a counteroffer if it is feasible. In some cases, an employee may be leaving for a higher salary, better benefits, or more vacation time. These are things you can potentially offer them as well. If you need time to consider what you can afford to offer, ask them to take a few days and consider an offer from you.
Collaborate on Communication
When someone leaves the company, it is important how that information is communicated to the rest of your team. Consider whether you would like the news to be communicated by you or the departing employee. You can also decide whether or not the communications should be via email. Whatever the case may be, be sure your staff knows that there will be upcoming workflow changes Talk about what it means for the business as a whole and how it will impact your team.
Create a Hiring Strategy
Once you have received a resignation, you should immediately begin crafting a hiring plan. Think about whether you have any employees deserving of a promotion or fit for the job-at-hand. You can also consider at what capacity you need a new hire. Some positions can be covered by a part-time or contract worker rather than hiring someone else full-time.
Dealing with an unexpected staffing change can be stressful, but working with a recruitment agency can help alleviate some of that. The Bradley Group can help identify your needs and tap into their talent pool to find a perfect fit for the job. Contact us to see how our team of professionals can assist your business.