Interview Refreshers for When You Haven’t Interviewed in Over 10 Years
It can be nerve-wracking getting ready for an interview. If you’ve been out of the job market for quite some time, it can be even more anxiety-inducing. Thankfully, there are plenty of things you can do to prep yourself for an upcoming interview. Here are a few refreshers that will help you prepare.
Do Some Research Beforehand
Before going in for an interview, take the time to research the company and the position fully. Get a feel for the company’s culture by visiting their website, checking out any videos they have online, and taking a look at their social media accounts. You may consider looking at reviews of the company from current and previous employees as well. When it comes to further researching the position, see if you can connect with others who have worked there on LinkedIn and ask them questions about the job. You can also review the listing and make a list of your own relevant skills and experience.
Prepare Some Stories
Take the time to prepare some stories about your experiences in the workplace. Having detailed stories and illustrations of your past work will help you market your skills. Stories can also help you show your own personality as well. All of these things are important to a potential employer during an interview.
Dress for the Job
It is recommended you dress one level above the job you are interviewing for. This gives the employer a good impression. Most importantly, be sure what you wear to the interview fits well and is clean. If you are unsure of the dress code at the company, reach out to the recruiter or person you have been in touch with to clarify.
Arrive Early
You can also make a good impression by arriving 10 to 15 minutes early for your interview. If you arrive too early it can put pressure on the employer to get things done and create a rather awkward situation. At the same time, arriving late gives a bad impression all around.
Bring Materials With You
Even though you may have sent the interviewer your resume and other hiring materials prior to your meeting, it is a good idea to bring a hard copy along with you. In addition to your resume, you may consider bringing along a portfolio with examples of your work as well. Leave these items with the interviewer to leave a lasting impression.
Be Aware of Your Body Language
Practice answering some mock interview questions in the mirror and note your body language. Understand how your non-verbal cues may come off. For instance, you want to smile throughout your interview, but you don’t want it to come off as unnatural. Other things that may catch an employer’s attention are eye contact and posture.
Come Up With Questions
Come to the interview prepared with some questions for the interviewer as well. After all, you are interviewing them to see if you want to work with their company too. Ask questions about the typical workday with the company and what the business goals are. These talking points will help show you are really interested in the job.
Follow Up With the Interviewer
After the interview is all said and done be sure to take the time to follow up. Thank them for their time, inquire about how long the process might take, and include any additional questions you may have. Doing this will help seal the deal.
Searching for a job can be difficult. Luckily, the staffing professionals at The Bradley Group can help you find a job that suits your needs and prepare for your interview.