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How to Boost Your Confidence 5 Minutes Before an Interview

Interviews can be nerve-wracking, no matter who you are. Everyone could use some confidence boosters before heading into an interview room. This may sound easier said than done, but displaying confidence will help you make a good impression. Before you go in, here is how to boost your confidence five minutes before an interview.


Meditating is something you can do in the car or in the lobby before your interview. It can help you become more centered and focused before your conversation. You can drown out other thoughts and noises and focus on what’s in front of you: your interview. Being more focused will help you feel more confident going into your interview.

Talk to Yourself in the Mirror

Half the battle of gaining more confidence is getting past mental blocks. Take a look in the mirror before you go into your interview and say some affirmations. Tell yourself you are qualified for the job, you will do great in your interview. Also, take a few minutes to visualize what a successful interview would look like for you. What outcome are you looking for? If you feel odd doing this on your own, call a family member or friend to discuss the upcoming interview, your goals, and affirmations.

Consider Your Past Accomplishments

Another thing you can do to help you feel more confident going into an interview is to think about all of your professional accomplishments. You’ve achieved plenty in your career and it has set you up to apply for the job you are interviewing for. Make a mental note of how each accomplishment and experience makes you even more qualified for the job. Not only will this help you build confidence, but it will be good to have some of these things at the front of your mind to review during your interview.

Set Up a Good Environment

These days, many interviews are taking place in a virtual setting. If you are meeting the hiring manager via a virtual conference take time to create a peaceful interview environment. Make sure there isn’t anything distracting behind you or in the frame of the webcam. Test your connection and ensure you have a good camera angle. You can also print out a few notes to keep nearby with questions you have, information about the company, and other helpful information. This can help you be more confident and calm during your conversation.

Make a Gratitude List

Last, but not least, make a list of things you are thankful for. They do not have to be career-related, simple things you are grateful for. Doing this in the few minutes before your interview will help you have a more positive mindset going in.

If you are trying to land an interview the staffing professionals at the Bradley Group can help you. We are connected to a wide range of employers and can find a position that fits your skills and career goals. Learn more about how one of our recruiters can assist you.

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